Community Coalition

In the News
Here are some recent news stories involving the Douglas Avenue Corridor! 11/27/2019 – ABC Channel 5 News A new vision: Douglas Avenue Corridor looking to approve renovations 11/24/2019 – WHO Channel 13 News Des Moines City Council Reviews Plan to Revamp Douglas Avenue 11/22/2019 – Des Moines Register Douglas Avenue Redevelopment Master Plan […]

August Update
Hello DAC supporters! It’s been a long time since I have posted an update so here goes! The plan for our Douglas Avenue corridor has been on hold while city officials work with the state and the DOT to iron out some details regarding Douglas Avenue and what changes can or cannot be made. As […]

How You Can Participate in December
There are two opportunities for you to help with the Douglas Avenue corridor plan this December! 1. Take Our Online Survey Please take ten minutes to complete our online survey: This is important to help guide the focus of the plan moving forward. Whether you were at our public kickoff in November or you missed […]

First Public Input Meeting a Huge Success
Wow! We had a fantastic kickoff open house on Wednesday, November 15th! The VIP room of Plaza Lanes was packed with standing room only as Brian O’Leary and Justin Platts delivered opening comments. Justin, the team lead from RDG Planning and Design, reviewed what has been done, what can be expected over the next six […]

Corridor Planning is Underway!
The much anticipated planning process of our Douglas Avenue Corridor plan kicked off on Thursday, October 19th! Planning efforts are now underway to re-imagine and re-energize a three-mile segment of Douglas Avenue, stretching from Merle Hay Road east to the Des Moines River. The project is being spearheaded by the Douglas Avenue Coalition, who made […]

DAC Sept 26 Public Meeting – Success!
What a great public meeting we had on September 26th, 2017 in the VIP Suite of Plaza Lanes Family Sports Complex! We had over 50 people in attendance to learn about the efforts of the Douglas Avenue Coalition, hear about exciting recent successes, and engage in a question and answer session. We would like to […]

DAC to host public meeting Sept 26
The Douglas Avenue Coalition will host a public meeting Tuesday, October 26, 6:30 – 8:00 pm, at Plaza Lanes (in the VIP room). The address is 2701 Douglas Avenue. The public is invited to bring their questions, hear about DAC’s progress over the last year, and get involved in the coalition’s mission to make the […]

Douglas Avenue Corridor $174k Plan APPROVED!
Thank you councilman Bill Gray and Chris Coleman for speaking on behalf of this project. Des Moines City Council, thank you for approving an agreement with RDG for the development of the Douglas Avenue Corridor Plan. Our neighborhoods and businesses are excited to make progress on this plan! This was item #10 on the Des […]

We’re on the Agenda!
The next Des Moines City Council Meeting, to be held this Monday, September 11th, includes the approval of a planning and design firm to be hired for the Douglas Avenue Corridor Plan. City council, let’s get this approved and get this project moving forward!

Proposal Selected for the Corridor Plan
Hello neighbors and supporters of Douglas Avenue! We’re excited to share with you that progress continues in our efforts to improve the Douglas Avenue corridor in northwest Des Moines! Just recently a selection committee studied multiple proposals and selected the one who will be developing our comprehensive corridor plan. We are still awaiting final approval […]